Sounds like there's been some activity while I was away, which I know because as soon as I was in cellphone range again, I received all of the call-out messages there had been: searches for missing hikers, litter-carries, a downed plane. There were messages about technical rescue practice, too. And some of my teammates helped with road blocks at the Grand Canyon during President Obama's visit. There was also another death from dehydration at the Canyon—another young man, 18 years of age. So sad. And so avoidable.
Last night, I got back to practicing my technical skills and I'll be doing more practicing tonight and tomorrow night... if there's no call-out for a mission. The proficiency testing is going to be starting soon, possibly this weekend I heard. Two weeks feels like a long time to be away from practice, especially when many of the skills still aren't well-ingrained in my body or brain. But if last night's practice was any indication, they'll come back pretty quickly.
And now I leave you with some photos from our Boundary Waters trip. If you'd like to read a bit about it, I wrote an article with some more pictures here: A Trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.